Everyone is warmly welcome to join the activities of the Evangelical Lutheran Church in Hämeenlinna. Membership of the church is not required for participation in parish activities. The Chaplaincy cares for the pastoral needs of Anglicans works closely with our Lutheran brothers in promoting the spirit of the Porvoo Agreement. That means Anglicans are welcome to join the communion table.

If you belong to other than the Anglican Church and want to be blessed on the altar during the Holy Communion, you are warmly welcom. Please give an ecumenical gesture then by lifting your right hand to your left shoulder. This is how the pastors knows you do not want Holy Communion and he/she will bless you.

If you would like to become a member of the church as an adult, you will need to take part in adult confirmation school. After completion, you will be confirmed and also baptized, if you have not been baptized earlier. A person becomes a member of the Christian church through Holy Baptism. Baptism is a sacrament of the church. 

He led them by a straight way to a city where they could settle. - Psalm 107:7

"Valo - Light" - An evening mass with band music and spiced up with relaxed togetherness

The purpose of the Valomessu is to be a second home and a place where you can find friendly people and get to the edge of life's big questions and the God. At the Valomessu, the essentials are a good feeling, a relaxed atmosphere and togetherness.
In less than an hour, we sing accompanied by a band, reflect on life, and ask God for help with our own and other people's sorrows and challenges.
There are crafts for children during the mass. After the mass, we continue with coffee and delicacies.

Valo is the place just for you - whether you are a student, young adult, child or adult, more or less "spiritual".
Valomessu is built together with a group, where there is always room for new people. Come and see - even with a friend!

Intagram Valoyhteiso

Sunday Services / Holy Mass


The worship service or Holy Mass is a common feast of the parish and is held every Sunday in Finnish. You are welcome to join us in any services. If you are not a Finnish speaker, please take your time, just come to pray and listening the music and feel the athmosphere.

If you are interested to give your talents in use, come and take a part to do services together (by singing, and playing, praying, cooking, decorating the church and volunteering.) please contact the Coordination of International Work Paula Harju



He will spread His wings over you and keep you secure. His faithfullness is like a shield or a city wall. Psalm. 91:4


Pastor Mirja Lassila  (off duty), Mika Juppala 

Pastor Sampo Kujala 

Student Chaplain Ida Hellemaa

Coordinator of international work Paula Harju 

Deacon of immigrant work Tiina Hämäläinen


You can find us also on Facebook and on Instagram Kirkko Hämeenlinnassa




Keidas on Suomen Luterilaisen Kansanlähetyksen toimintapiste Hämeenlinnassa 

The Finnish Lutheran Mission has a place of gathering in Hämeenlinna.  

Hämeenlinnan Keidas
Kaivokatu 2, 13100 Hämeenlinna

  • Wednesday, every second week, odd weeks at 5 p.m.-6 p.m. Suomi-club for the immigrantas. Discussion in Finnish on everyday issues and Finnish culture. 
  • Keskiviikko, parittomat viikot, klo 17.00-18.00: Suomi-klubi maahanmuuttajille. Keskustelua suomeksi arkipäivän teemoista ja suomalaisesta kulttuurista. 
  • Contact miina.makkonen@sekl.fi  p. 040 848 0542


Hämeenlinna International Christian Fellowship 

Hämeenlinna International Christian Fellowship (in English) gathers on Sundays at 12:30 pm at the Evangelical Free Church, Sibeliuksenkatu 17.